Minority Health Fair

Greenville, SC — NCNW Greenville County Section Health Equity
Committee, GLA (Greenville Literacy Association) and Greenville (SC) Alumnae Chapter of Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are honored to announce the second annual Minority Health Fair.
The Health Equity Committee (NCNW), GLA, and GSCAC Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Physical
and Mental Health Committee focus on educating our community on health disparities. This
includes, but is not limited to, breast cancer, diabetes, affordable health care, mental health,
maternal health, and COVID-19.
The Minority Health Fair is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This
is a FREE event held at McAlister Square, 225 South Pleasantburg

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