TLOD MT West Wellness Wise Challenge with Colorado Council of Black Nurses
The Mountain West Chapter of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. have embarked on a 4-week holistic Wellness Challege, where by Teams will compete in various activities, to include drinking appropriate amounts of water, daily activities and learning about various aspects of health and wellness. Each Team is lead by a Wellness Coach, with a Masters in health/medicine. Wellness activities also include understanding aspects of vaccines/immunizations and health disparities that impact our communities. Our Special guest speakers to kick-off week 3 are the trusted community advocate, Robin Bruce FN, BSN, RN. Robin’s 39-plus year nursing career has been centered around respiratory and immunology medicine, aeromedical evacuation, infection control (for which she received a USAF Commendation Medal), communicable disease management and clinical research, including Recombinant DNA (the forerunner of stem cell research), drug resistant tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and the COVID-19 pandemic – all of which have marked space implications as well as behavioral health implications, including organic mental health disorders, drug induced psychosis, social isolation, racial trauma, and combat fatigue.