Healthy You, Healthy Me – GHWs Affiliates Walk
The NCNW Henry-Clayton Section has planned a “Healthy You, Healthy Me! A Good Health WINs NCNW Affiliates Walk “on March 30, 2024, at Clayton County International Park in Jonesboro, GA. The walk will be scheduled from 10:30 am – 12 noon. The event will be a FREE community event.
The purpose of the walk is to continue this year’s theme of “Healthy You, Healthy Me – Good Health WINs” by getting the community moving as walking has many benefits including boosting one’s mental and physical health. Additionally, we are inviting our NCNW affiliates of Henry and Clayton Counties to join us. Each participating affiliate organization will be asked to set-up a table and provide Good Health WINs education on one of the following topics: Vaccine Equity (COVID-19, Flu and RSV) – CDC’s Bridge Access Program (BAP) , Mental Health and Healthy Eating. We are also asking that participating affiliates share the walk information with their membership, followers, and supporters.
Furthermore, event details will include having healthy snacks (fruit, granola bars, water, orange juice, etc.) after the walk as well as blood pressure checks provided by NCNW/affiliate members who are credentialed to provide such services.
In conclusion, the goal of the “Healthy You, Healthy Me! A Good Health WINs NCNW Affiliates Walk” is for our Section members and affiliates to get walking steps in, get educated on vaccination benefits and be provided healthier eating options while fellowshipping and engaging potential new members.