“Let’s Talk About It: Pandemic Impact on Adolescent Health/Mental Health”

ZOOM https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAoce-orDovE9YUA60emijFbAj6UWRy9sso?_x_zm_rtaid=V-g5oe5ZTaSL2GtzER6-vg.1713367218819.2efabc8287f1bb0d2d7dd4ab19e65b80&_x_zm_rhtaid=198#/registration, N/A

Adolescents have experienced many detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Identifying strategies to encourage positive physical, social, and emotional growth will result in the type of support that young people […]

Spring Line Dance

The Z Spote Fitness Studio 1654 Pass Rd. Ste E, Biloxi

Come join us for a fun-filled afternoon of line dancing at The Z Spot Fitness Studio! The ladies of NCNW MS Gulf Coast are excited to groove and move with […]

Love My Sister Month

Member's Home 13002 Pebble Beach Court, Silver Spring

The Continental Societies, Inc.'s Washington, D.C. Chapter will meet for a monthly meeting to renew the sisterly spirit and share a meal. We will discuss GHWs overall and the importance […]

Love My Sister Month

Member's Home 13002 Pebble Beach Court, Silver Spring

The Continental Societies, Inc.'s Washington, D.C. Chapter will meet for a monthly meeting to renew the sisterly spirit and share a meal. We will discuss GHWs overall and the importance […]

Love My Sister Month

Member's Home 13002 Pebble Beach Court, Silver Spring

The Continental Societies, Inc.'s Washington, D.C. Chapter will meet for a monthly meeting to renew the sisterly spirit and share a meal. We will discuss GHWs overall and the importance […]

Love My Sister Month

Member's Home 13002 Pebble Beach Court, Silver Spring

The Continental Societies, Inc.'s Washington, D.C. Chapter will meet for a monthly meeting to renew the sisterly spirit and share a meal. We will discuss GHWs overall and the importance […]


4925 Hwy 92, Douglasville, GA 30135 4925 Hwy 92, Douglasville

Phi Pi Zeta Chapter is hosting a Zumbathon open to the general public and providing information from CDC’s Bridge Access Program about the benefits of getting vaccinated.